Emmaüs Protective Work Centre
61 years of serving the community
Emmaüs is a registered welfare organization and functions as a centre for the adult disabled. The centre has hostel fascilities and work areas where beneficiaries learn new skills and in the process Emmaüs have created a home where the disabled can be stimulated to acquire new skills and build up their self-esteem and where they can feel welcome.
Place of HOPE
At Emmaus we have an Open Day every day and the public is welcome to come and visit us to see what we do and what we can do for them.
Working hours are from Mondays to Thursday 8 am until 4 pm and Fridays from 8am to 1 pm.

Luke 24: “On their way to Emmaüs their eyes were opened…and their despair turned to hope.”
To provide adult disabled with accommodation, food and therapeutic job opportunities irrespective of race, culture, sex or religious beliefs, in accordance with the financial and physical means of the Centre, and the requirements of the transformation process, as well as the Department of Social Development.
To provide adult disabled persons with optimal protection and care.
Emmaüs is a protective work centre with hostel facilities and is partly state subsidised and affiliated with the National Council for Mental Health.
Emmaüs offers accommodation and therapeutic work to self supportive disabled people over the age of 18 years who are unable to work in the open labour market.
Day Beneficiaries from the local community are also accommodated by us.