About Emmaüs
- Is a registered welfare organisation
- Is a centre for adult disabled
- Has hostel facilities and work areas
- Has 48 residents in the hostel and 80 day beneficiaries who attend on a daily base
- We learn new skills
- We do restoration work and handcrafts
- We do catering for meetings and workshops
- We have a hall that can be hired for meetings, and workshops, with catering
- We try to create a home for the disabled adults where they can be stimulated and where they feel welcome
- We try to build up our beneficiaries’ self-esteem
- Volunteers who can help in the work centre during the day
- Donations like clothing, curtains, bedding, material, wool, etc
- Donations like toiletries and cleaning products
- Lots of prayers and support
- Financial help (we are an article 18 (a) organisation, deductible from tax)
- Help with exercises and sports